We read a devotional thought once which reminded us of how sovereign our Lord is and how intimately involved He is in our lives. The book titled, Traveling Light by Max Lucado, was referencing the passage in Matthew 28:20 “…I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
The excerpt from the book says… “A man [was] on an African safari deep in the jungle. The guide before him had a machete and was whacking away the tall weeds and thick underbrush. The traveler, wearied and hot, asked in frustration, ‘Where are we? Do you know where you are taking me? Where is the path?!’ The seasoned guide …replied, ‘I am the path.’ We ask God the same questions, don’t we?... And He, like the guide, doesn’t tell us…If He did, would we understand?...No, like the traveler, we are unacquainted with this jungle. So rather than give us an answer, JESUS gives us a far greater gift. He gives us HIMSELF.”
Some days, through this journey of my mom struggling with breast cancer, I have wanted answers from God, maybe even assurances of a particular outcome. This analogy of the man on safari was good for me to read, because truly, I want JESUS more than I want answers to my petitions. The presence of Christ in my life is the one thing I cannot do without.
I wondered if maybe some of you dear friends might be blessed to be reminded of the fact that the whole point of prayer is that we just don’t get the things of God…we get God, Himself!!!
Our hearts cannot adequately express how precious you are to us. To know you stand alongside us, often times holding us up when we need extra support in the battle for the Kingdom, is a great treasure and blessing. You are a gift to us directly from the hand of God; He uses you as His provision for us at times like this. As our family walks this road of breast cancer with my mom, we are thankful to have you praying with us, each of you is precious to us! Thank you for standing before the Throne of our God on our behalf!
I love you all..so very sorry to lose your Mother, You wrote very beautiful about her and much that God has entrusted you with. I glean from this blog, talking about where God takes you..follows every special "mothering tool" your mother passed on.
ReplyDeletefriends forever, Jackie