The needle sharp claws dig into my hand as I try to handle the little fuzz ball with care. The medicine dropper seems as large as a baseball bat in the miniature mouth of the newborn kitten. Meows rise and fall in pitch and intensity as the belly of this little babe goes from empty to plump and full. Over the next few minutes, the cries turn to purrs and soon all six furry kittens are peacefully sleeping.
Three weeks ago our cat, Yamaranguila, gave birth to six adorable kittens. One week ago the momma cat disappeared, never to return to her group of helpless babies. So, armed with medicine droppers filled with warm milk, we have taken over as “the momma cat” for these six orphaned kittens.
As I was slowing squeezing drops of milk into one of the tiny calicos, I took note of how desperately the kitten stretched its neck out to reach the dropper and devour the milk. The calico wiggled and squirmed, trying to keep hold of the dropper even as I tried to pull it out of its mouth in order to fill it with more milk. I continued filling the dropper and she continued emptying it of its nourishing contents, until warm milk was trickling down its little chin, soaking the knee of my jeans. Belly full, she nestled down inside the cardboard box and fell asleep.
I pondered how this small creature was yearning, craving the feeling of a satisfied tummy. She would not rest until she had drunk fully and deeply, then completely content, the calico rested. I then thought of myself…what do I crave, what do I long for...with what do I yearn to be filled?
To be honest, some days I crave chocolate! Other days I yearn for a quiet place to which to retreat. But, deep down inside, truly what I most long to be filled with is my Savior’s presence! I crave Jesus! I want His Spirit to so in-fill me that His character and words spill over and run down my chin! I want my appetite to be satisfied by His truth and grace. Then, with my spiritual tummy full and bulging, I want to rest in the warmth of His love. I don’t want to be a kitten…I just want to be like one…a relatively small creature, dependent on Someone bigger, who finds her contentment in One place…the Presence of my Lord.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good;” -Ps 34:8
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”-Ps 119:103
Crave Jesus today! Ask Him to fill you up then rest in His love.
ps- Anybody want a kitty?
I read this in email form earlier today and I was thinking it would make a good blog post. Great minds think alike!